
Climate Justice International

An Initiative of Sufi Council

Climate Justice Drive

The Climate Change Drive is an ambitious initiative aimed at raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on Pakistan while advocating for climate justice. This journey will serve as a powerful platform to highlight Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change and to promote collective action to address this urgent global issue. In its first phase, the drive will take place in Europe, covering 11 countries from August 2 to August 26, 2024.


The Climate Justice Drive seeks to achieve the following objectives:
Raise awareness: To educate individuals, communities, and decision-makers about the severe impacts of climate change on Pakistan, and the urgent need for global action.
Foster collaboration: To promote dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among participating countries, fostering a deeper understanding of climate justice issues.
Advocacy for climate justice: To advocate for equitable and just solutions to address climate change, emphasizing the need for developed countries to support developing nations
disproportionately affected by its impacts.
Document and share experiences: To document the journey and experiences during the Climate Justice Drive, creating a compelling narrative and engaging storytelling to inspire and
mobilize audiences.

Expected Outcomes

The Climate Change Justice aims to achieve the following outcomes:
1. Increased awareness and understanding of the impacts of climate change on Pakistan, particularly among the general public and decision-makers.
2. Strengthened global collaboration and knowledge exchange, leading to innovative solutions and strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
3. Heightened advocacy efforts for climate justice, influencing policy decisions and international commitments to address the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries.
4. It amplified global recognition of Pakistan’s climate change challenges, generating increased support and solidarity from the international community.
5. Inspiring future initiatives and campaigns to create lasting impact in combating climate change and promoting climate justice.

Key Activities

The Climate Justice Drive will involve a range of activities to achieve its objectives, including:
Public events and rallies: Organizing public events and rallies in major cities and towns along the route to engage local communities in discussions about climate justice and its
relevance to Pakistan.
Academic conferences and seminars: Collaborating with universities and research institutions in participating countries to organize conferences and seminars on climate
change and its impacts on Pakistan.
Policy advocacy: Engaging with policymakers, government officials, and international organizations to advocate for policies and measures that address climate change and
support vulnerable communities.
Cultural exchange: Promoting cultural exchange activities between participating countries to foster mutual understanding and strengthen international cooperation in
tackling climate change.
Media outreach: Utilizing social media platforms, documentaries, and interviews to share stories and raise global awareness about the Climate Justice Drive.

Peer Syed Mudassir Shah
Chairman Sufi Council
Peer Syed Mudassir Shah
Chairman Sufi Coucil


Visit his profile https://peermudassir.com

Climate Justice International

The Sufi Council and SACH Institute have launched a bold and ambitious initiative to advocate for climate justice, particularly for developing countries that have borne the brunt of climate change’s devastating effects in recent years. This initiative recognizes the inequity of climate change impacts, with countries like Pakistan suffering disproportionately, despite having contributed minimally to the problem.

Climate Change in Developing Countries

In the last few years, countries like Pakistan have experienced severe weather events, including unprecedented floods, droughts, and extreme heatwaves. These natural disasters have caused extensive loss of lives, destruction of infrastructure, and deepened poverty. The tragic irony is that these developing nations are among the least responsible for global greenhouse gas emissions. Pakistan, for example, contributes less than 1% to global carbon emissions, yet it is among the top 10 most vulnerable countries to climate-related disasters.

The root cause of this injustice can be traced back to the historical development patterns of the developed world. Over the last century, industrialization, urbanization, and large-scale consumption in these regions have driven massive emissions, leading to global warming and environmental degradation. The consequences are now most painfully felt by countries least equipped to handle them.

A Call for Global Responsibility and Action

The Climate Justice Initiative of the Sufi Council and SACH Institute is built on the principle that climate change is a global crisis demanding collective action. We strongly advocate for the recognition that while developed nations have reaped the economic benefits of industrial growth, the cost has been disproportionately paid by the global South. Therefore, addressing climate change must include addressing the inherent injustices in how its impacts are distributed.

Our initiative calls for:

  • Climate Resilience: Immediate action and resources to enhance the resilience of countries most affected by climate change, such as Pakistan. This includes investments in sustainable infrastructure, disaster preparedness, and capacity-building initiatives that empower local communities to adapt to the changing environment.
  • Accountability from Developed Countries: Developed nations must take responsibility for their historical contributions to climate change by providing financial, technological, and logistical support to vulnerable countries. Climate financing is a critical element in helping developing nations mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.
  • A Just Transition: As the world moves towards green energy and sustainable development, the transition must be equitable, ensuring that the burdens and benefits are shared fairly. This means developed countries should not only reduce their emissions but also lead in helping the global South transition to renewable energy and low-carbon economies.

A Collective Future

The Climate Justice Initiative by the Sufi Council and SACH Institute is more than a call for advocacy; it is a movement for a fairer, more sustainable world. We believe that by coming together—nations, communities, and individuals—we can create solutions that not only protect the planet but also uphold justice for all.

The time for climate justice is now, and the world must recognize that the path to a sustainable future runs through the empowerment of the most affected nations. Only through a united effort can we address the inequities of the past and build resilience for the future.